Undercurrents: a beauty editorial for Falcon magazine
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

Undercurrents: a beauty editorial for Falcon magazine

Going from a pristine natural beauty look to crumpled cellophane from behind which our model looked like a wilted bridal bouquet straight out of a Tim Burton movie, I asked myself what held these looks together. The answer, for me, was that these fashion looks got progressively more blue, more watery… more unhinged even, like a riptide coming in and tossing us about a couple of times before spitting us out stranded with nothing but our raw emotions on the cold wet sand.

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They Came From Planet Claire: a fashion editorial featuring twin models for Kaltblut Magazine
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

They Came From Planet Claire: a fashion editorial featuring twin models for Kaltblut Magazine

When I first saw twin models Syl & Tybe Hendrickx I immediately became enthusiastic to work out a fashion editorial with them, as they had high fashion written all over them in my view. They are signed with No Babes Agency, a Belgian non-profit that questions taboos around beauty ideals, seeking to add diversity to the fashion industry by sharing the raw story of real people and showing that it is okay to be vulnerable in our differences.

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Not Born for War: a fashion editorial for Flanelle Magazine
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

Not Born for War: a fashion editorial for Flanelle Magazine

Every fashion shoot feels a bit like a magic ritual in that the whole team collaborates to create something ex nihilo. Containing the synergies of everyone involved, the final product reflects this combined effort, and after 6-8 hours of being in the process of shooting and creating, it feels like the whole team is transformed: an alchemical process, if you will.

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Hotel Urania: a fashion editorial for New Face Magazine
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

Hotel Urania: a fashion editorial for New Face Magazine

When I had the idea to do a fashion editorial in a hotel, I knew I wanted a quirky place that would match the vibe of the slightly bohemian wardrobe styling I had in mind. After researching a number of hotels, I had a feeling that Hotel Urania, a family-owned hotel in near Vienna’s old center, would be the perfect location.

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Guys Just Wanna Have Fun Too: Exploring the Feminine Side of Male Models
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

Guys Just Wanna Have Fun Too: Exploring the Feminine Side of Male Models

In a departure from traditional men’s fashion styling—you know, the abs and square jaw line in high contrast black and white—, we sought to create a bit more versatility and fluidity in the styling and the makeup, which was not only more interesting for the creative team, but also allowed the models more freedom of expression.

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Testing with Modeling Agencies: Communication is Key.
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

Testing with Modeling Agencies: Communication is Key.

So many articles have been written about testing with agency models that, well… all I can say is, IT’S WONDERFUL! Especially if you are just venturing into the field of fashion photography and shooting with professional models, working with modeling agencies will push you further into creating your own photographic style and sculpting those portfolio images for eventual commercial work.

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A Touch of the Classics: Beauty & Fashion with a Medieval Twist
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

A Touch of the Classics: Beauty & Fashion with a Medieval Twist

When I cast model Elisabeth Charlotte Monstrey to test a few concepts for a studio shoot, I was excited to develop some new looks in collaboration with the very talented makeup artist Laora Casic. What I didn't expect, however, is that, paired with Elisabeth’s features and my choice of studio lighting, we would obtain a painterly look reminiscent of Albrecht Dürer, a touch of Boticelli, and the Flemish Masters I grew up with in my hometown of Ghent, Belgium.

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My Secret Garden: Editorial Fashion Series on Location
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

My Secret Garden: Editorial Fashion Series on Location

One of the movies I secretly enjoyed as a child was “The Secret Garden.” So when the opportunity presented itself to shoot a series of personal work in a beautiful garden landscaped by Annelies Vercruysse, all the various elements that made up this fashion series fell into place. Model Sydney Vanden Bussche (at Dominique Curve) was the perfect protagonist for this fashion story that felt less like a Tim Walker fantasy and more like Alice waking up from her nightmare and deciding that Wonderland isn’t that wonderful at all.

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Back to Black: Fashion and Beauty with a Darker Edge
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

Back to Black: Fashion and Beauty with a Darker Edge

Flowers tend to be a recurring theme in my fashion and beauty photography. I love to incorporate them in the wild, painted on walls or backdrops, as motifs on clothing or hair accessories, or as props when shooting in the studio. For this beauty concept, I wanted to use flowers in a more low key, darker context, complementing the flowery lace of the black top I had selected. The result was a more Victorian-inspired look, part May Queen, part Persephone.

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Guardians of the Galaxy: A Fashion Editorial for Pump Magazine
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

Guardians of the Galaxy: A Fashion Editorial for Pump Magazine

The day after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. The world seemed to be at a standstill while simultaneously plunged in chaos. The considerable amount of wardrobe hanging on the clothing rack by the door, which I had spent weeks preparing, suddenly seemed irrelevant. Anytime, I expected a call from my models—both of them Ukrainian—that they couldn’t possibly do an editorial shoot under the circumstances.

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Fashion Maternity Shoot by the Sea…
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

Fashion Maternity Shoot by the Sea…

I had been wanting to do a maternity shoot for a while, and I had been wanting to work with model Camille Nedelec for a while as well. So when I found out that Camille was pregnant (highly pregnant indeed, with the baby due only 3 weeks after our photoshoot), I seized the opportunity to create a pregnancy shoot with a fashion vibe.

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Kings of Brussels: A Fashion Editorial in the Capital of Belgium
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

Kings of Brussels: A Fashion Editorial in the Capital of Belgium

When venturing through the streets of Brussels, you can expect the unexpected. Though Brussels tries hard to be like the Paris of Belgium, I would say Brussels is more like a Belgian New York: dirty subways, angry pigeons, and people on the go. For these reasons, I wanted this fashion series to reflect some of the contrasts that make up our capital: mobile yet static, old and new, posh and hip, nestled within the heart of Europe and at the same time incredibly diverse.

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Fashion portraits in San Francisco’s Chinatown
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

Fashion portraits in San Francisco’s Chinatown

Featured in The Portrait Project Magazine, this editorial photo story inspired by Asian street fashion was shot at the interval between sunset and nightfall, when the twinkling city lights are about to come on, creating a sense of mystery and possibility in the alleys of San Francisco's Chinatown.

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“Fleurs du Mal” for Malvie Magazine
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

“Fleurs du Mal” for Malvie Magazine

With the 200th anniversary of the French poet Charles Baudelaire occurring this year on April 9th, I wanted to create an editorial inspired by The Flowers of Evil. In collaboration with model Edie Eve, whose expert styling made the high fashion look I had in mind for this editorial come to life, each look is in dialogue with a particular poem in Les Fleurs du mal. The fact that the May issue of Malvie Magazine came out on my birthday made this editorial all the more special!

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Remembering the Loire Castles
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

Remembering the Loire Castles

A long, long time ago… before the pandemic, in what seemed to be a different world, my partner and I toured the magnificent castles of the Loire region in France. One of the most unique sights was the Pagode de Chanteloup, modeled after a Chinese pagoda.. While the summit (accessed through a rickety staircase that probably wasn’t renovated since the 18th century) offers breathtaking panoramic views, it was this wide shot, published on PhotoVogue Italia, that best captured the serene enchantment of this place.

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A Light in the Darkness: the Blazing Comet Neowise
Simon Rogghe Simon Rogghe

A Light in the Darkness: the Blazing Comet Neowise

Although the year 2020 will forever go down in our collective memory as a year of loss, infamy, and conflict, I believe the time spent in what I like to call “fertile isolation” has yielded gifts as well. One of my favorite moments to look back on was when the comet Neowise unexpectedly rose up before us as we were driving on an empty road in the middle of the Californian wilderness.

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