Remembering the Loire Castles

A long, long time ago… before the pandemic, in what seemed to be a different world, my partner and I toured the magnificent castles of the Loire region in France. Many of these castles count as UNESCO world heritage sites, and served as the stomping ground for the French nobility in the 16th and 17th centuries when indulging in leisurely activities away from Paris. Needless to say, these beautiful sights provided abundant photo opportunities. One of the most unique sights was the Pagode de Chanteloup, an 18th-century construction nicknamed “the folly of the Duke of Choiseuil,” modeled after a Chinese pagoda, where we were lucky enough to be the only visitors. While the summit (accessed through a rickety staircase that probably wasn’t renovated since the 18th century) offers breathtaking panoramic views, it was this wide shot, published on PhotoVogue Italia, that best captured the serene enchantment of this place.


“Fleurs du Mal” for Malvie Magazine


A Light in the Darkness: the Blazing Comet Neowise